Water-based polyurethane water-based varnish which is recommended for protection and highlighting of the color, but without the special gloss of PLANOCOLOR CEMENT decorative coatings. When applied alone in 2 hands its use is recommended for walls or horizontal light traffic areas with low stresses. It combines perfectly as a first hand (diluted 1/1 in water) with each type of application together with PLANOFINISH PU or PU MAT, to give the surface a matte or satin appearance without noticeable discoloration. In either case apply first hand diluted 1 ÷ 1 in water. The second hand (if required depending on application) is applied undiluted after 2-3 hours. Do not allow puddles of excess product to be created before varnish application, the surface should be well wiped and no gaps may be created that may allow the moisture to penetrate under the varnish and produce asriples or even peeling. Consumption: related Table of Consumption and PLANOCOLOR CEMENT Plane Diagrams.
Sizes: 1 Lt, 5Lt